La nostra història amb Vic Godard comença fins i tot abans de la creació del propi segell, quan el 2010 Godard va visitar per primera vegada la ciutat de Vic oferint un concert amb la seva Subway Sect al recent desaparegut Bar In-situ.
A partir d’aquell concert, va haver-hi alguna cosa que va lligar d’alguna manera el cantant amb la ciutat homònima. A l’any vinent, ens embarquem novament a portar-lo aquí, però no només per fer un parell de concerts; durant la seva nova visita vam aprofitar per fer-lo treballar de valent i com a resultat en sortirà un documental que porta per títol provisional “Vic to Vic”, dirigit per Lluís Huedo i tres temes que veuran la llum en algun moment del 2012, acompanyat dels Mates Mates com a banda.
Per qui no conegui el mític frontman del punk anglès, el convidem a entrar a la seva pàgina web per descobrir la seva biografia.

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Per la resta:


Nuestra historia con Vic Godard empieza aún antes que la creación del propio sello, cuando en 2010 Godard visitó por primera vez la ciudad de Vic, ofreciendo un concierto con su Subway Sect en el recien desaparecido Bar In-situ.

A partir de ese concierto, algo pasó que conectó al cantante con la ciudad homónima. Al año siguiente, nuevamente nos embarcamos a traerlo aquí, pero no sólo para hacer un par de conciertos si no que durante su nueva visita aprovechamos para hacerle trabajar duro. Como resultado, verá a la luz un documental de título provisional “Vic to Vic”, dirigido por Lluís Huedo y tres temas que editaremos en algún momento del 2012, acompañado por Mates Mates como banda de estudio.

Para quien no tenga el placer de conocer a este mítico frontman del punk inglés, le invitamos a visitar su página web para descubrir su biografia.

Prensa y contractación:
El resto:


Vic Godard (born Vic Napper in London, England) is a vocalist, Subway Sect frontman, songwriter & postman. Vic’s musical adventure which has taken him from post-punk to postman began in 1976 when he formed the Subway Sect with assorted South London soul boys, Rob Symmons (aka Simmons/Miller) on guitar, Paul Myers on bass & Ray Price on drums (replaced later in 76 by Paul Packham (aka Smith) then Mark Laff, then Bob Ward). They formed at the suggestion of Sex Pistols manager Malcolm McLaren (who wanted another band for the line-up of the 100 Club Punk Festival) after spotting Vic, Rob & Paul at a Sex Pistols gig. Despite their inexperience, Subway Sect made a successful debut at the festival. They went on tour with The Clash on their White Riot Tour in 1977, as well as becoming a regular feature on the new Punk scene.
It`s no secret Vic Godard enjoys working with other artists. Looking back over his extensive career, it-s easy to see his beloved Subway Sect has never had the same line-up. He’s always been forward-looking and never followed any trends, always innovating and essentially doing what he loves best.
He visited Spain at the end of 2010. The tour finished in a city called Vic, like him (!). He’d never thought he’d find a group of young people who admired him so much. The following year, he was invited back by the same people. But this time, the tour was more ambitious than the previous visit. At Vic Godard and Subway Sect’s first gig in the medieval town of Vic in 2010, the then unknown band Mates Mates had been the supporting group. In the 2011 visit, Vic and Mates Mates locked themselves away in a studio to record 3 songs written exclusively for the 7” released at the beginning of 2013.
The 7” has a surprise in store. Who would have thought Vic Godard would sing in Catalan (Mates Mates’ native language)? 3 songs, 2 languages, 2 hits and a ballad, what else could you ask for? At the end of the adventure, Godard confessed that Mates Mates was the band that he connected with most quickly, and this is evident in the soon to be released documentary that shows their creative process .
Special mention to Mates Mates who during this time has become one of the most talked about groups in the Catalan music scene with their album “Vida animal”. His experience and their youthful energy form a wonderful listening combination.

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